#1: Avocado
Avocado (also known as the alligator pear) has long been touted for its contribution to healthy, beautiful skin — and for good reason. This creamy, green fruit is packed with vitamin E and B-complex vitamins that nourish the skin. Further, it is also rich in essential fatty acids which help moisturize the skin, keeping it soft and smooth. But that's not all — avocados also contain vitamin C. On top of all that, avocados are typically low in pesticides and other harmful chemicals

#2: Tomatoes
Lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and suppress your immune system), gets the credit for tomatoes' ability to help protect against some cancers, including lung cancer. If possible, opt for Classica tomatoes—in a study of 13 tomato varieties, Classicas ranked highest in lycopene.

#3: Kale
This popular leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. Ask for Winterbor kale at your local farmers' market—in addition to vitamin K, this variety contains high levels of fiber, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

#4: Eggplant
The deep-purple skin gets its rich color and anti-aging power from nasunin, a nutrient that helps fight the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off the blood supply they need to multiply. Research also suggests that nasunin may slow the development of Alzheimer's disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons.

#5: Red Bell Pepper
This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C—which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria—than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen.

#6: Blackberries
Rutin, a potentially lifesaving flavonoid (a class of antioxidants) found in high levels in this flavorful fruit, may block an enzyme linked to the formation of blood clots, lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a 2012 study from Harvard Medical School.

#7: Basil
One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.

#8: Watermelon
Watermelon is packed with antioxidants and can help you look and feel younger. One particular antioxidant that watermelon contains is citrulline, which helps rid the body of dangerous toxins, boost metabolism, and keeps the immune system healthy. The outside rind of the watermelon contains Vitamins A, B, and C, while the seeds contain Vitamin E and zinc. The inside of the watermelon, which is normally consumed, is extremely porous and filled with water that helps our bodies to stay hydrated. Try using a food processor to combine the seeds and rind into a watermelon juice or smoothie to reap more of the benefits of this super food.

#9: Garlic
A component of garlic known as allicin, causes the familiar strong smell and flavor, but is also an extremely effective antioxidant. As allicin digests in your body it produces sulfenic acid, a compound that reacts faster with dangerous free radicals than any other known compound. Garlic is also a triple threat against infections due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. It is effective at killing antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including MRSA, as well as fighting yeast infections, viruses and parasites.

#10: Lemons
These citrus fruits are a rich sources of antioxidants that prevent free radical damage responsible for pre-mature aging of your skin. Vitamin C helps to maintain your skin’s elasticity to prevent the formation of wrinkles and decrease blemishes.

#11: Olive Oil
Hailed as an item of luxury in ancient Greece and Rome, olive oil helps maintain youthful glowing skin and hair. Olive oil is a key ingredient in many recipes, dressings, and dips, and has huge amount of anti-aging properties. This delicious oil contains monounsaturated fats, which promote a healthy hearts and reduce the risk of cancer. Recent studies have also shown that olive oil contains large amount of antioxidants, which help lower internal and external signs of aging.

#12: Coconut Oil
Besides having loads of health benefits when consumed, coconut oil has also benefits when applied to the skin as a natural moisturizer and can be used in the place of any body lotion. Coconut oil also has plenty of anti-aging benefits, that help protect the skin from free radicals that cause skin to look older.

#13: Broccoli
Broccoli is another vegetable that is awesome at fighting physical signs of aging. Rich in Vitamin C, Broccoli helps prevent wrinkles by synthesizing collagen to create smooth, more firm skin. Broccoli has also been linked to preventing age-related skin dryness. Sulforaphane in broccoli helps to rid your body of dangerous toxins by increasing the production of enzymes. Broccoli also contains lignans, which help prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as warding off cognitive degeneration.
#14: Sweet Potatoes, Pumpkin, & Carrots
Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and carrots all contain beta-carotene, which gives them their orange coloring and provide a number of healthy aging benefits. Beta-carotene contributes to healthy skin and eyes, and helps reduce the risk of a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. Beta-carotene helps protect your skin from sun damage and signs of aging by preventing the breakdown of collagen in skin. These orange vegetables also contain high amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, which help you maintain a healthy immune system.

#15: Green Tea
Anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects of green tea may delay signs of skin aging, such as sun damage, expression lines and wrinkles. Catechins in green tea can also help prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure. A study published in the October 2011 issue of the journal "Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications" found that EGCG inhibited a type of skin cancer called melanoma in laboratory animals, by inhibiting genes that activate inflammation.
#16: Walnuts
Walnuts are considered an amazing anti-aging food. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, one-fourth cup of walnuts provides approximately 91 percent of the daily recommended intake of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids help regulate your cholesterol level and reduce the risk of heart disease. They also will help your brain function properly for years to come. Plus, walnuts contain magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium, copper and fiber that are required to keep your body healthy and energetic as you age. Last but not least, they will help you keep your waistline trim as you get older.

#17: Spinach
Evidence indicates that spinach can help you stay in top shape as you age. Spinach is a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are antioxidants that greatly help reduce age-related mental decline, eye and vision conditions, and bone degeneration. Not only that, spinach also has a high amount of vitamins C and E as well as beta-carotene, all of which help protect the skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays so your skin remains vibrant and healthy even as you age. In addition, this green vegetable can help prevent cardiovascular disease, lower high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It can even reduce the risk of cancer in the digestive tract. Just one cup of fresh spinach daily can keep your body healthy and your skin young for years.

#18: Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants that help protect your body from free radicals, which cause oxidative damage to cells. Free radicals can speed up the aging process and also cause different types of cancer. The cocoa present in dark chocolate has flavanols that encourage blood vessels to relax, keeping them youthful, supple and pliable. This in turn lowers risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. Eat dark chocolate in moderation, as it is high in calories and saturated fat that can cause weight gain. Stick to a small piece of dark chocolate with higher cocoa percentage..

#19: Kiwi Fruit
This small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease.

#20: Watercress
A brilliant salad accessory, watercress is full of vitamins A and C, and works like a natural antibiotic, helping zap unwanted blemishes and heal the skin.