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In January of 2016, I started my plant-based journey. One of the first steps in the process was to love and accept myself for exactly who and where I was. I wasn’t going to be mad, ashamed, or embarrassed anymore. Instead, I was going to look at my very capable body as a beautiful gift, and in turn, treat it as such.


The next step was to completely forgo all the ridiculous, obsessive behaviors we’re told over and over again are a must in order to lose weight—count calories, weigh food, weigh yourself, avoid carbs like the plague, plan every bite you eat, only have X number of meals a day, ignore your body’s hunger signals, and so on. Not this time. This time it was going to be simple – eat whole, plant based foods, and only focus on one goal, which was to be healthy. Nothing more, nothing less.


I know it sounds extreme. If someone had told me I could go plant-based and experience this whole array of life changing experiences, I would’ve never believed them. If that’s you, then I get it as I’ve been there. But friends, I’m proof that it is possible and that you will see and feel the difference. I can’t thank the folks over at Forks Over Knives enough for all the helpful articles and success stories, as well as all the other plant-based podcasts and sites I have listened to and/or read for giving me a new lease on life. I am forever grateful and can’t help but want to share my journey, heart, and passion!


​In September of 2016, I had my first doctor’s appointment since going plant based, and the results were shocking. I lost 90 pounds and all of my previous health issues had vanished. My doctor was just as shocked as I was, and she actually thought for a second she had the wrong chart! She was thrilled and just as excited as I was, so we spent quite a bit of time talking about my plant-based diet, what it entails, and my experience with it. I’ve actually lost more weight since then, so I’ve lost a total of 105 pounds since going plant-based one year ago!


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